March 5, 2012

Candida Albicans Diet

Yeast overgrowth is also known as Candidiasis. The most common specie of Candida is Candida Albicans. Candidiasis symptoms can be seen to a person suffering from Candida Albicans infection. The Candida Albicans are usually found on the skin, in the vagina or vulva and lower bowel area.

Candidiasis symptoms may be characterized by distinct types depending on the area infected by it.

  • Redness in the mouth area
  • White patches on the tongue
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Abdominal bloating
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Itchiness
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Acid reflux
  • Mouth and throat sores

There are numerous Candidiasis symptoms to look out for. In case any of these symptoms manifest in your body, it is best to seek curative rehabilitation immediately. Overproduction of Candida Albicans can greatly work on the immune system. If not properly given curative attention, it can be life-threatening to those population who already have weak immune system.

If Candidiasis symptoms would persist, what curative experts would usually advice is to ensue the Candida Albicans Diet or yeast-free diet. The diet would want the person to go on precise diet for at least six weeks. While this period, there is Candida die off symptoms that can be felt which is roughly similar to the Candidiasis symptoms itself. You may still taste dizziness and nausea.

The Candida Albicans Diet may restrict the infected person to eat whatever with vinegar and even citrus fruits. As for the juices, only freshly squeezed fruits are allowed; no preservative is allowed to be eaten.

As much as possible, the person should avoid leftover foods for it can authentically furnish molds within the span of 24 hours. Include vegetables in your diet, even those veggies that you are not well-known with. This will help in rebuilding your immune system. Use only fresh or dried herbs to spice your vegetables, cook them either through baking or steam only.

Small quantity of fish and meat is allowed, as long as you don't eat them on a daily basis. Oatmeal, wheat grain and rice can be included in the diet as long as you are not allergic to them. Eggs can also be served once or twice a week, but you have to make sure that you are not allergic to eggs too.

Sugary foods should be avoided, but if you cannot live without having dessert, use only Yacon roots syrup which is the best alternative to sugar. When using dairy products, remember to use it with caution; some population can eat yogurt in moderation. Eat only homemade yogurt for it contains good bacteria such as lactobacillus which is helpful in fighting the bad bacteria in your body.

Candida Albicans Diet

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