Lactobacillus bulgaricus (L. Bulgaricus) is a strain of bacteria used for the output of Bulgarian yogurt and Swiss cheese. It is a very useful and friendly type of microorganism for our gut; it balances out the intestinal flora and promotes the preparation of wholesome types of bacteria. Lately it has been the field of scientific research. Scientists found that L. Bulgaricus excreted wide spectrum natural antibiotics in the gut, thus protecting from infections and blocking pathogens from interacting with the intestinal surface. Also it is found to boost our body's immune theory in ways completely unknown before as it has the ability to draw away toxins. It has been found to possess unexpectedly hardy tolerance in chemicals toxins. It can serve as an perfect help for detoxification even from heavy metals and other perilous poisons.
The most impressive seeing about L. Bulgaricus is its anti-cancer and anti-microbial properties though. How can a exiguous bacterium used to put in order homemade yogurt could maybe fight cancer and deadly viruses? Experiments showed that it prevented cancer from developing in rats that were fed carcinogenic chemicals. A dissimilar set of experiments proved that it can fight off very "exotic" strains of bacteria and viruses too. The truth is that this is known to a few excellent scientists since the 80s. After an emergency in a forces explore installation for Biological Weapons in Russia, in 1979, anthrax spread to a 60 mile radius area around the laboratories, infecting villages. Of procedure population died, but this leak pushed the Russian Government to urgently scan for any potential substances with strong antimicrobial properties. L. Bulgaricus was tested and among many other potential treatments was found to be the most effective antimicrobial treatment, knocking out flu in 8 hours. It even managed to kill the Hepatitis C virus, which is carefully to be indestructible. This valuable knowledge became known to many governments around the world but was kept secret from the public.
So what can you do to fight off flu and any other microbial infection? Get some stock on L. Bulgaricus and whether use it as a prebiotic supplement or use it to make your own home made yogurt. Who would expect that the best cure for the flu would be innocent yogurt? This is great news for everybody.

Yoghurt With Antimicrobial and Anti-Cancerous Properties
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