When you chew a piece of chicken, for example, the mechanical activity of chewing along with enzymes in your saliva begins to break the food down. Then, more enzymes in the stomach break down the food even further. It's because of this natural food processing that you don't have pieces of chicken floating nearby in your blood! Instead, the protein in the chicken is broken down and ends up as amino acids in your small intestine.
Think of your digestive principles as a long tube going from your mouth to your anus. In one sense, it is really "outside" your body because it doesn't interact directly with your internal organs. Substances must first pass through the intestinal lining to get into the bloodstream and be carried to all the tissues of the body.
However, the digestive tract is also more than just a tube. It's really a whole complex ecosystem filled with living microorganisms-mainly bacteria and yeasts-that co-exist there in a salutary balance. It's like other natural ecosystems where condition and harmony are maintained as long as nothing interferes with the natural equilibrium of the inhabitants.

The intestinal lining is an spellbinding "gatekeeper." When salutary and functioning properly, it only allows nutrients (vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, and glucose) into your bloodstream. It also keeps foreign invaders and waste material out. Anyone isn't usable will be part of your next bowel movement. This is the way the principles works when digestion is healthy. Sufficient probiotics in their intestines. When the equilibrium of good and bad bacteria is disturbed, the intestinal lining becomes "leaky." Then leaky gut sets us up for many condition problems along with candida overgrowth. It is not only candida that is a problem, but also the eggs or larvae of worms that can then pass through the intestinal lining.
Healing the gut requires enhancing the diet, and the most important aspect of that will be to repopulate your intestines with salutary bacteria: probiotics. That will help restore the intestinal lining so it can do its gatekeeper job properly.
You can buy probiotics in capsule form from condition food stores, but make sure you get a high-quality product. Or, naturally make your own yogurt or kefir to ensure that you're getting live, active cultures; this is very easy and also inexpensive! I love my yogurt with fresh berries in the morning. I add the berries to the plain yogurt just before eating.
Homemade yogurt is much good than all the sugary, fruit- flavored yogurt products in the supermarkets these days. Those products may not even contain active cultures because live cultures would feed on the sugar and give the yogurt a tart or sour taste. Manufacture your own plain yogurt and adding fresh fruit for sweetness gives you a much less-expensive and much healthier product!
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