Many of the recipes I use contain yogurt. The instructions in this narrative will help you to save money and at the same time ensure a constant source of creamy, delicious, homemade yogurt.
The Procedure:
"Homemade Yogurt"

• Heat milk until any existing bacteria is killed.
• Cool it enough to generate a beneficial environment for probiotic bacteria growth.
• Add yogurt starter.
• say the temperature for 8-12 hours.
• All utensils used for yogurt establishment must be scrupulously cleaned before use. Introducing bad bacteria can contaminate your entire batch.
• You can use skim milk. However, the yogurt you yield will not be as thick and creamy.
• Milk and store-bought yogurt used for starter must have a "best before" date beyond when you expect to finish inspiring the yogurt. For instance, if you will use it within two weeks, your expiry dates should be at least 14 days away.
• If you heat the milk beyond 190F, do not panic. It will still be fine, even if it does reach a boil. The prominent temperature is the one reached as you add the yogurt starter. If it is too hot, you will kill the beneficial bacteria. If it is too cold, the yogurt may not culture properly.
• considered scrutinize the label on the yogurt you intend to use as a starter. It must contain active probiotic cultures, and should not contain pectin. The less additives, the better.
• Over time, try dissimilar products as starters until you find the flavor that appeals to you the most. dissimilar brands will yield varying results.
• You can use a 2-liter (2-quart) tempered glass measuring cup instead of jars, exterior it with a small plate and inserting the temperature probe into the spout. It is an easy job to whisk the fulfilled, yogurt and pour it into storage jars.
• The method can be increased or decreased. Use box sizes that suit you.
• Note how long it takes to heat and cool the milk so you have a fair idea of the time you will want to make your next batch.
• Some cooks save a bit of their homemade yogurt to use as starter for the next. However, it is easier and safer to use fresh starter every time.
Yogurt Recipe:
Gather the following ingredients and utensils:
• Large double boiler or small canner
• Two 1-liter (or 1-quart) tempered glass jars
• Large slotted spoon or wire whisk
• Two liters (2 quarts) 1% milk
• Candy thermometer or meat temperature probe
• A box of store-bought no-fat or low-fat yogurt.
• Place the jars in double boiler/canner top section. Do not use canning lids, or they will seal as the milk cools.
• Fill jars with milk. Leave about an inch at the top to permit adding yogurt starter once the milk cools.
• Assemble double boiler/canner and fill with hot water to within about two inches of jar tops.
• Insert thermometer/temperature probe into one jar, ensuring that it does not touch bottom or sides.
• Loosely gather lids and cover double boiler/canner with lid.
• Place on large burner at high-medium heat (one setting above "medium"), and cover.
• Monitor until temperature reaches 190F.
• take off double boiler/canner lid.
• Leaving thermometer/temperature probe in jar, take out double boiler/canner top section and place in sink.
• Turn on the oven light.
• moderately fill sink with cold water to within a join of inches of jar tops.
• Monitor until temperature reaches 120F. Stir milk briskly with temperature probe or thermometer and re-check the reading.
• At 120F, take off from sink and stir a few Tbsp. Yogurt starter into each jar until combination is well blended.
• Close jars firmly.
• Place jars in oven.
• Close oven and leave oven light on while you culture combination for 8 hours. If you prefer sharper yogurt, leave in oven for up to 12 hours.
How to Make Creamy Yogurt With easily Found Ingredients